Erik Koch biographie
Born in Esbjerg, Denmark, 1933
Studied at Hans Hofmann's school, New-York
Lives in the south of France since 1983
1954 Traveling to the United-States, student at Santa Monica College, Los Angeles
1955-57 Assistant at the Hofmann’s school, New-York and Provincetown
Hans Hofmann and Ibram Lassaw personal assistant
Worked with the painters part of the American Abstract Expressionist's movment, USA
1958 Studio in Copenhagen
1958-60 Traveling in Europe: The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland
1961 Studio in San Francisco and Berkeley, California
1962 Studio in New York and Provincetown, personal assistant to Hans Hofmann
1963 Studio in Switzerland, 1962 to 1963 sculptor Hubert Queloz's assistant, La Chaux de Fonds
1966-69 Studio in San Francisco
1970 Studio in Paris
1956 h.c Gallery, Provincetown, United-States
1957 h.c Gallery, Provincetown, United-States
1963 Lord's Gallery, London, England
1967 Karl Van Der Voort Gallery
1972 Yager Gallery : Hartwick university, Oneonta, United-States
1974 Jacques Davidson Gallery, Tours, France
1974 Jacomo Santiveri Gallery, Paris, France
1974 Salon International d’art contemporain, Jacomo Santiveri Gallery, Paris, France
1975 Salon International d’art contemporain, Jacques Davidson Gallery, Paris, France
1979 Group show at Saidenberg Gallery with André Masson, Gyorgy Kepes and Victor Elmaleh, Madison Avenue, NYC, United-States
1989 Show at Mediatheque, art center, between a and b, Uzès, France
1991 Numaga Gallery, Auvernier, Switzerland
1992 Koch/Freed, Carré Davidson Gallery, Tours, France
1993 City gallery, Copenhagen, « usa on paper », Denmark
1993 Summer show Zhouf gallery
1994 « koch s’expose », Mediatheque, art center, Uzès, France
1994 Alte Schmied Gallery, Bern, Switzerland
1994 Creation of the monument to the unknown poet, first worldwide, Trois-Rivières, Canada
1994 Alte Schmied Gallery, Bern, Switzerland
1995 Part of the Cézanne and cubism exhibition, Cape Museum of fine art, Cape Cod, USA
1996 Numaga Gallery, Auvernier, Switzerland
1996 Show of the colourpoems, university art center, Montpellier, France
1997 Francis Graham Dixon Gallery, London, England
1999 Numaga Gallery, Auvernier, Switzerland
2000 Michel Ray Gallery, Paris, France
2004 Workshop and group show Ponte Cultura, Nüremberg, Germany
2007 Numaga Gallery, Auvernier, Switzerland
2007 Invited in Geneva, showroom 1 at Hélène Yubero, art collector, Switzerland
2008 Invited in Geneva, showroom 2 at Hélène Yubero, art collector, Switzerland
2010 Jonas Gallery, Cortaillod, Switzerland
2012 Group show in Beaudouin art center, Paris, France
2014 Deleuze-Rochetin Gallery, Arpaillargues, France
2015 Orsay Gallery, Paris, France
2016 Geometrical art museum, Art Triennale, Tomé, Japan
1975 Director and professor at State University, New York
1975 Supervision of the art program, Tours, France
1977 Teaching painting and drawing at Rhode Island College, Providence
1978 Teaching at Hartwick College, Oneonta
1980 Director of program and teaching at Beaux-Arts, Strasbourg
1993 Working in Provincetown, USA : teaching drawing at Rhode Island college
Orsay Gallery, Paris, France
Satoru Sato Museum, Tomé, Japon
Photo©Dominique Souse